In an effort to help you save money and reward you for good driving behavior, Travelers launched a new program called IntelliDrive®.

You can start saving and enjoy more peace of mind today. Talk to us about getting started on this new program.

What is IntelliDrive®?

IntelliDrive is a new 90-day program where good driving habits can lead to savings. Customers are instructed to simply download the IntelliDrive mobile app and Travelers will begin to capture and score your driving based on specific variables. Safe driving habits can lead to savings up to 20%.

How does IntelliDrive® Work?

IntelliDrive app captures information about driving habits associated with braking, acceleration, speed and time of day. You can follow your score throughout the 90 days. The higher your score, the more you can save. At renewal, we will apply any applicable savings safe drivers qualify for, while riskier drivers will see a premium increase. If you want, you can opt out up to 45 days after the issue date.

What do I need for IntelliDrive®?

All you need to do is contact your insurance agent and let them know that you want to participate in Travelers’ IntelliDrive® program. You then need to download the app on your smartphone, and let the rest happen naturally. Each time you drive your car, data is recorded and you are rated based on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 stars being the highest. After each trip, you can review a map of your route, and your star rating.

Get in touch with us about IntelliDrive®

At R&R Insurance Group, we have your best interest in mind. We can help you save money on your auto insurance policy and answer all your touch questions about coverage. If you are interested in this new program, please reach out to us online or by phone at (706) 991-9832.